Saturday, November 20, 2010

Convert Book to eBook Project—Part 5

Okay, lots and lots of work on this. The Sigil editor really does work nicely (although it's a little buggy, but what do you expect for FREE???). I was able to clean up the book a ton. I moved the images to where they belonged, the photos, and pull quotes, and some of the figures that were in the wrong places.

Dealing with tables in html always scared me, and I had to jump in head first with those to make them look better. I think they look pretty good, although I am sure someone with more html know-how could tweak them even more. My only point of dissatisfaction with the tables is that there are rules that are in the book that don't appear that do appear in the eBook version. It was hard enough to do in InDesign, I have no clue as to how it's done in html, if it even is (I do think it's likely that it can be done).

Also, I fixed all of the links in the Table of Contents so they link to the correct chapter or area. I started to link all the web links, but it's just too much to do, and after a day of playing with this, it's just not worth it (not with one more project to do by Monday).

I also have no clue how to format the footnote numbers so that they look like footnotes. And as I type this, I realize I should probably link the footnote to the actual footnote. But after spending the entire day and most of last night on this, I am going to leave well enough alone.

There was a lot of design/style cleaning up to do, and I am grateful for being forced to dust off my html muscles. I was hoping to dabble a little bit more in xml for this project and to expand my skill set, but it's just not possible, there is just not enough time.

I accomplished my goal of making this book into an eBook, and in fact, I think it looks pretty darned great. In fact, I actually did two versions if you want to count the pdf version (it does have all the requisite links working).

I do think for the amount of time I have spent on this, it is not a small project. I have put at least 30 hours total into this project. I think I bit off a lot more than I had planned on.

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